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RSA since its inception has been first choice of students as we have put Student at the forefront. We have earned the trust of students like no other with our Superior quality teaching and extra ordinary after sales service.


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CA Rahul Garg - Lead Mentor
CA Rahul Garg is a name of passion, dedication and determination. His academic achievements speak about his sincerity towards any work which he does.
The success of RSA repeats his history of being a fighter and belief in 'कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मां फलेषु कदाचन'. He is a mentor of millions of students. 1,00,000 + students have taken his classes in the past years. He has proved to be the best faculty in his subjects. Students popularly & lovingly call him as ‘TRG’ i.e. The Rahul Garg.
Once you join his classes, you will fall in love with his teaching style. Rahul sir has brought a revolution in CA industry by being a pioneer of Marathon Sessions in India and has conducted Online and Face 2 Face Marathons in all the major cities for his subjects Accounts, Costing, FM ECO. Millions of students have benefited from these sessions and other CSR services by him towards the students.
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CS Shikha Garg - Founder
Shikha mam is the founder of RSA and since inception has been responsible for smooth running of the organisation. She is the pillar of RSA, like any other start-up, the starting years of RSA were filled with many challenges but her optimistic approach transformed each challenge into a rising opportunity.
She has always put the students at the forefront and made sure that RSA students get dedicated support whether pre-sales or post-sales. She does not only look after the overall management of RSA but also extends her hand to motivate the students.
Her motivational videos inspire lot of students in their tough time and...
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Love showered by RSA Students